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The Kamehameha Schools `Ewa Region

The Kamehameha Schools ‘Ewa Region (Moku) includes 14 ahupuaʻa on Oʻahu. The DOE Schools in the ʻEwa region are located in these complex areas: Campbell-Kapolei, Pearl City-Waipahu, and Aiea-Moanalua-Radford.

From East to West ahupuaʻa names include: Kahauiki, Moanalua, Hālawa, ʻAiea, Kalauao, Waimalu, Waiau, Waimano, Mānana, Waiawa, Waipiʻo, Waikele, Hōʻaeʻae, and Honouliuli. In traditional maps, the ʻEwa Moku did not include Moanalua & Kahauiki. Those two ahupuaʻa were located in the Kona Region or Honolulu District.


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What is the `Ewa `Āina Inventory - Hālau o Pu`uloa?

The ‘Ewa ʻĀina Inventory is a publicly available resource developed by Kamehameha Schools Community Engagement & Resources ‘Ewa Region and Nohopapa Hawai`i. The resource includes: cultural and historical stories, maps, land stewardship sites, and community organizations that provide classroom and family engagement learning activities. (i.e. Hawaiian culture and language, land stewardship, place-based learning). Access and download full document

Video created by Kamehameha Schools `Ewa Region and their collaborators

This project was a partnership of Kamehameha Schools `Ewa Region,
Mālama Learning Center and Hui o Ho`ohonua

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